Pregnancy and Maternity Leave (End of Season Q&A!) | Transcript

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Hannah Witton 

Hi everyone, welcome back to Doing It, the sex and relationships podcast where sex has never been so nerdy, with me, your host, Hannah Witton. This is the last episode of season five and the last episode before I'm taking a break for my maternity leave. So it's just going to be a casual sit down chat with me. And I've got a whole bunch of questions to answer from listeners about pregnancy and parenting plans, and all of that good stuff. But first, some real sexy housekeeping about just like how this last season has gone, and being pregnant whilst recording most of it, qnd future plans for the podcast going forwards.


Hannah Witton 

So you may remember that last summer we took a bit of a break from the podcast. And that was to kind of like, do a fun rebrand and get like some new colours and everything. And there was much excitement. And I was bringing video to the podcast as well. And then just before launch, and partway through recording, like, the first batch of five interviews that I had with guests for the beginning of season five, I found out that I was pregnant, which was very exciting. But then I started feeling like absolute shite. And it was a real struggle to get those episodes out, to kind of like finish off recording those. And I did not know when I would be feeling better and when I'd be able to, like, actually schedule in more guest episodes. And so the video stopped as well because once I was feeling better, I was like, I need to manage my workload. But we managed to push out those first five episodes, and then had a unplanned, unscheduled break until I was feeling better. Thank you so much for your patience with that. I know that like when I took a break for health reasons, some people thought maybe it was because I was pregnant. But I'm also very grateful that no one like was publicly saying that or at least not in places that I could see. So I very much appreciate that I didn't see anybody's speculation about that at the time. But then I started feeling better. And we like scheduled in some more episodes for the end of the year. And it was like full steam ahead from them.


Hannah Witton 

And actually in January, if you weren't aware, if you don't, I guess, follow me on my newsletter and stuff, which I would highly recommend if you subscribe to my newsletter, because you get a lot of like behind the scenes stuff going on there. But in January, I brought on Mia, who is my creative producer, and it has been absolutely wonderful. She's been helping with booking and researching guests, writing the like intros that I do, scripting those that I record for each episode as well. And she's been working with Moog, who you've heard on the podcast before, and our podcast editor just to help them get all of the bits that they need. Like there is so much like admin and liaising with people and like back and forth stuff that goes into making a podcast. And Mia has like, just really helped with lightening my workload and just making this process so easy for me, especially in these last like few months as we've been gearing up for my leave and for me to kind of like disappear for a bit. It has been super full on.


Hannah Witton 

We've had a very busy lead up to my maternity leave and just getting prepped for everything because we wanted to kind of like have a stash of not just podcast episodes, but like the videos that I make for YouTube as well. And then also kind of like preparing for what it's going to look like when I come back from maternity leave with a reduced schedule, like a reduced workload. Because I think it's very unrealistic to think I'm going to be able to come back part time.


Hannah Witton 

So like speaking of that, here's kind of like what you can expect going forwards with the podcast. So the plan is that from now, from when this episode is coming out, there's going to be a three month break from episodes being published and me working at all really. So no scheduling episodes, no recording episodes, nothing. That to me is like the longest amount of time I've not worked since I was like 18 or something. But in the kind of like bigger picture of, you know, having a baby and parental leave and stuff, it's not that long, but your girl is self employed and is running a small business. And so, three months is kind of what I felt comfortable taking. And actually, there's a whole video on my More Hannah YouTube channel if you kind of want to find out a bit more about my reasoning behind three months and how I came to that conclusion and all of the kind of more like admin, policy, money side of parental leave as like a self employed person, and all of that kind of stuff I go into in that video.


Hannah Witton 

But the plan is then, after that three months, to come back part time. Because it's not a very long amount of time, like, I'll still have a baby that I need to look after. And so I won't be able really to come back full time. But that's where like having a team to support me, having like my patrons to support me and just like help to still fund and fuel the business. And, you know, like whilst I work part time, and hopefully still, like, be able to, like, get out really great interviews and podcast episodes and videos and stuff for you all. At this point in time, oh my goodness, everything is just so up in the air. So I'm unsure about if episodes will be weekly when I return or exactly when they'll be back, because they're not necessarily going to come back exactly three months from now. It's like, I'm going to start work again three months from now and then there'll be episodes like shortly after that. 


Hannah Witton 

But if you want to be really kept in the loop about it all, then there are some places that you can go to keep in touch and kind of like get a bit more of the behind the scenes of like, when's Hannah coming back from maternity leave, what's going on? And those places are my Patreon, of course. My patrons tend to be like the first people to know stuff in terms of like the behind the scenes, and I'm definitely going to still be very active in our Discord server whilst I'm off, because that is just a fun social place for me to hang out on the internet that I really love. And then, like I mentioned, the newsletter. The newsletter is actually still going to be going out whilst I'm off, but with guest writers. So that's exciting. Some names that you will be familiar with, as well. People who've been on the podcast before, people on my team, the crossover of those two things, so, very exciting. And then of course, there's our Instagram, which is @doingitpodcast. So Moog is still going to be posting stuff on our Instagram whilst I'm off, sharing like loads of really great sex and relationships content from past episodes and past guests and updating you on how I'm doing. So that space will still be active and posting and all of that. So there's the sexy sexy housekeeping.


Hannah Witton 

And now moving on to your questions that you asked on Instagram. What a segue. I am an excellent host. So in no particular order, I'm just going to crack on and just read out all of these questions.


Hannah Witton 

So: do you plan on using gender neutral pronouns for baby until they tell you how they want to be addressed? Best of luck. Thank you. So originally, I was thinking we would be using gendered pronouns based on the baby's sex assigned at birth. Like at the moment, we don't know what that is so we've just been using like they/them pronouns. But after the episode that I did with Freddie McConnell, where he talked about using gender neutral pronouns publicly with his second child, and he has a whole post on his Instagram about this, how privately, like, amongst friends and family and stuff, he uses gender neutral and gendered pronouns and kind of like mixes it up for his new baby - that just kind of like stuck in my head and I really like that. I mentioned it to Dan, but we've not had like any proper sit down conversations about it. I think I'm just gonna kind of see how I feel. But I don't know, I'm open to either way.


Hannah Witton 

Like, even if I do share gendered pronouns, or like sex assigned at birth publicly, I still really like the idea of actually using pronouns interchangeably. Just so that like growing up, they know that that's not something that's fixed for them. And then they, you know, maybe they'll turn around one day, and just be like, "Mum, why do you keep referring to me as they/them?" And I'll be like, "Okay, now we can stop now." Who knows? I think it's a really interesting topic. And like, there's not a lot of like, I don't know, examples of ways to do it other than like the traditional way. So I'm always keen to hear like ways other parents have like navigated that and kind of like what that's been like for their kids.


Hannah Witton 

So another question that somebody had was: are you feeling like changing any of your habits to more child-appropriate in the future when they are older and able to understand more, like giving up drinking to not be a bad example? Or not putting sex toys on the Christmas tree anymore, or sleeping with clothes on? I think these are really interesting examples to me. And like, obviously, like, it's not an extensive list. But I don't know, this isn't something that I've super thought about. I think like swearing is one that maybe I would try and, like rein back once they - not once they've started talking because they understand stuff way before they start talking. But obviously, I've not been drinking during pregnancy and,I wasn't really a big drinker in the first place. And I don't think there's anything wrong with like kids seeing their parents drink. Like, I think it's all in moderation, really. But hey, what do I know. The putting sex toys on the Christmas tree: we did that one year. We've not done that since. So that might not be happening anyway. And then sleeping naked, like, I'm not changing that. I'm not changing that for no one. Although actually like postpartum, I'll probably need to be sleeping with underwear on with pads in. So that's fun. But I grew up in a very naked household. So that doesn't bother me at all.


Hannah Witton 

You've mentioned that you have no intention of becoming a mummy vlogger but how will you balance this with the inevitable requests from your audience, who has grown up with you, wanting your views on navigating parenthood when they are likely to be a similar life stage? Yes, great question. So I think when I said that, I meant that content isn't going to be exclusively about that, like, I am more than happy to talk about that stuff, like, sprinkled in between all of the other stuff that I do normally. And I think there will definitely be like a transition phase where, because of like baby brain or mum brain or whatever you want to call it, that is all I can think about. It will probably be quite heavy on the content side of things. But hopefully, as my life starts like balancing out a bit more, then it would just kind of be interspersed with general life stuff. And this is more kind of like on my More Hannah YouTube channel, which is more lifestyle, so it is more relevant and just kind of reflective of my life and like what I'm going through as well. So yeah, we'll see. But yeah, I'm not going to make it all of the content, hopefully. Is the plan.


Hannah Witton 

Are you set on a name for sure? Was it a unanimous decision between you and Dan? Yes, when we picked the name, like, as soon as we like figured out the name, we landed on that name and it was like, "That's it. That's the name." And this was like, quite early on. This was like quite a while ago, and it's just stuck. And we haven't had any more real conversations about it. That's just their name now. And we were looking at gender neutral names. And so I, you know, had my lists. I was like doing research and like looking at all sorts of different gender neutral names that I liked the sound of and would kind of like show them to Dan and then I won't say what it was, but Dan got an obsession with a certain category of names. And it's so ridiculous. It was like for honestly, for no reason. Just he got this fascination with this certain category of names. And so then we were looking at that category and seeing if there was any crossover with my gender neutral name list. And there was a few. And then there was one that we were like, "Oh my god, that's a thing? Like, we didn't realise that it was part of Dan's category, basically. And then we were like, "Done, that's their name!" And it was quite easy. There was a lot of names that we definitely did not agree on. But as soon as we like found that one, it was like, "Decision made. Easy peasy."


Hannah Witton 

What are the chances the baby has or gets ulcerative colitis? And how do you feel about that? Yeah, so ulcerative colitis - which is an inflammatory bowel disease, and it's what I have - is somewhat genetic. But it's not like a really strong genetic thing. I know nothing about genetics, whatever language I'm using here is so wrong, I don't know. But when I was doing some research for this essay that I was writing for my sexuality educator course that was about IBD and sexuality, there was some stuff in some research papers that I was reading, which was about fertility. And it mentioned, like the fear and worries that parents might have if they have IBD, and about passing that on to their kids. But it was a really low percentage, and I cannot remember it off the top of my head, but it was mega low. Like, I really want to say it was like under 1%. But that might not be accurate. At least under 5%. It was super, super low. So no, I'm not worried about it. And I think just kind of like how I feel about them, maybe getting UC is kind of just like how I feel about them maybe getting any chronic illness or disability, which is that we just deal with it and support them through it as a family and just, you know, help them in whatever way they need to manage that emotionally, physically, medical admin, all of that stuff. And obviously, it's not easy on a family. I know that from like witnessing my parents witnessing me going through my illness and surgeries and stuff. But you got to do what you got to do. And you love and you support your child through it all.


Hannah Witton 

What parts of your work do you think you're going to miss most during your break, if any? Ooh, good question. Like part of me thinks that I'm not going to miss anything because one there'll be a baby and I just like won't have the brain space or time to like even miss anything. But also because it is my first break from work in so long. Like, my first break of this kind of length. But that doesn't mean to say that it like is an actual break, like it's not a holiday, I'm still going to be very busy and like doing a different kind of work. So I don't know. Part of me thinks that I might just kind of like embrace it and enjoy it for for what it is instead of like missing what was. Yeah, I love my work so I don't know which parts I would like miss the most. Maybe - I was gonna say like maybe like audience interaction stuff, but I still have like my Patron Discord server so I'm sure I'll get my like fix - "my fix" - from there. But I think I think just kind of like talking to lots of people about sex and relationship stuff. One of my favourite things to do is the interviews for this podcast. Absolutely love Doing It, eyyy. So yeah, that's - that's it, really who knows. Honestly, who knows?


Hannah Witton 

Have you got any plans for your last days as a home of two? Any babymoon or board games nights? No, we've got no plans. Honestly. I think it'll just be lots of having chill evenings together, eating dinner, making food, but no actual plans. We'll see. Like, once I'm on my like maternity leave but before the baby comes, you never know, I might get like super bored and just be like, "Right we need to do stuff. We need to have activities planned." But for now I'm just very much happy with chilling out, going with the flow, all of that good stuff.


Hannah Witton 

I know you'll be taking a good long break but do you take requests/suggestions for podcast guests? Yes, we absolutely do. And I'm trying to think of the best way for you to get in touch with that. Obviously, like, if you're a Patron then you can like message me on Patreon or in the Discord server, if you have any suggestions for guests. If you're a newsletter subscriber, you can reply to those emails and they go into my assistant Moog's inbox and she keeps track of all of that kind of stuff as well. And then every so often, we do like a post on Instagram, where we ask for suggestions so you can look out for those, but if you don't see any, like, anytime soon, you can just comment on like, any post being like, "Ooh, I have a podcast guest suggestion." Because Moog will be keeping an eye on social media and stuff. And so then we have - we have a mahoosive list of guests. And we always love kind of like learning about new people and stuff. So yeah, please let us know. Let us know.


Hannah Witton 

Do you plan on aligning with certain parenting/educational philosophies like Montessori or do what feels right in the moment? Dan and I are definitely more of a do what feels right in the moment kind of couple/potential parenting style people. I'm down for kind of like learning about all different kinds of philosophies and parenting styles and just like taking from them what feels right. And just go with the flow, really. But probably not like subscribing just to one thing, because honestly, no idea. No idea what's going to work. And I don't know, I find a lot of comfort in the whole like, everyone's just making it up as they go along kind of philosophy.


Hannah Witton 

I remember you mentioned a while ago having discussions with your doctor about a planned c-section being safer than unplanned but a "natural" delivery still being safest. Have you guys decided on a planned c-section? Or will you be hoping for an actual delivery? So yeah, this is all in my like trimester three vlog, which is on the Hannah Witton channel. But yeah, we're hoping to go with a vaginal delivery. But we'll see what scans show, if that changes, but the plan is - or the preference one of the midwives was like, "Don't - we don't like to use the word plan, we prefer to use preference." And I was like, "I like that." So the preference is for a vaginal birth. And that's what we're going to kind of like go in expecting or at least trying to do and then let it all unfold from there and see what happens, really.


Hannah Witton 

What are you looking forward to most - and is there anything you are nervous about - concerning parenthood? Oh my god, I'm looking forward to all of it. And I am nervous and concerned about all of it. Does that answer that question?


Hannah Witton 

How will sex education intersect with maternity and parenting in general? Oh my goodness, hugely, I think because I've been learning a lot about like sex positive parenting. Kind of just like from lots of conversations that I've had with people we had Melissa Carnegey on the podcast, who's the founder of Sex Positive Families and does amazing work with that. And I spoke to her like two years ago or something. So it's all been playing on my mind. But yeah, it's huge because so much of it comes down to things just like identity, sense of self, bodily autonomy, relationships, mental health. All of these things like play into sex education, and can be done from like such such a young age, just like building these foundational blocks. So that's a huge part in terms of like the parenting stuff. And then with maternity, like, like birth, postpartum, you know, like, your sex life as parents as well, like, all of that is really fascinating to me, like, in a, in a nerdy way, but then also in a like, "Oh, this is going to be something that I live through and like experience myself" as well. And, you know, like changing relationship dynamics, from lovers, cohabiting partners to parents like, that is all super interesting to me like, yeah, from an educator perspective, but also from a person who is gonna be going through that.


Hannah Witton 

What was going through your mind for the nude pregnancy photoshoot? I realised when I saw the stunning photo that I'd never seen a naked pregnant person before. Yes. Well, you're welcome. Yeah, I did a nude pregnancy photo shoot with Alex Cameron, who is a fantastic photographer. I've done some shoots with her before as well. What was going through my mind, honestly, like, I don't even know, I was so calm. And like, I love Alex, she always makes me feel really chill when we do photo shoots and stuff together. So like, there was no anxieties or worries or, or anything like that. It was just like, "Eh, I'm naked now. Like, it's fine." Um, it was more just kind of like seeing the photos. I was just like, "Wow, look at me. Amazing!" But yeah, and I bet you've also never seen a naked pregnant person with a stoma before as well. So I'm really happy that we have those photos.


Hannah Witton 

How is Dan doing? Is he excited yet? I asked him this question this morning before I came to the studio? And his answer was yes. But also, I can tell you that Dan is very excited and very impatient. For the past few weeks, he's very much just been like, "Come on, baby. Like, can you get here now? Like, I'm ready, like, hurry up, baby." So that's kind of interesting. Like, he's more impatient than me, I think because I'm like gonna be the one going through birth. But also, just feeling like oh my god, I've got all of this work to do and stuff. So like, baby, don't come - don't just yet because I've got a lot of work that I need to do and finish up first. But Dan's just like, "I'm ready, like, can this baby just get here already? Let's go."


Hannah Witton 

What has been the most surprising part of pregnancy for you? And would Dan's answer be different? So I actually need to think about what my answer to this is. But again, I asked Dan this this morning. And he said, the thing that was most surprising for him was how ill I was in the first trimester. And he was like, I was expecting, you know, like, morning sickness and like, you know, for it to be tough and for you to kind of like, you know, be experiencing some of those symptoms. He literally said, he was like, "I wasn't expecting you to be that fucked." Like, he was just like, "You were just so ill and just completely fucked. And like, just could not do anything, was just a blob on the sofa for about two months." I don't really know how extreme my experience of the first trimester was. But I don't know. I just hear it varies so much. But I definitely had it bad, like real bad. And so yeah, that was definitely a surprise for both of us. But in terms of the rest of it - what else has felt like a surprise? Honestly, like all of it, I don't even know. It's all been wild, I think like the way that the baby feels inside me like moving around and stuff. Like, that's just absolutely wild. And like, whilst I knew obviously, that, you know, like the baby moves, and you can feel it and you can see it and all of that stuff, I don't think that - that didn't quite - I just never thought about what that actually would feel like. It's like having an alien inside you. It's very strange, sometimes uncomfortable, but also every time you feel them, you just like feel this overwhelming sense of relief. And also just like lots of love as well. Yeah, it's weird.


Hannah Witton 

How do you plan on protecting bub's privacy online? Will you share their name, gender, face? Or do you plan on waiting for them to be able to consent? So our plan currently is to share first name, maybe sex assigned at birth. And that's it, really. Not going to show their face or anything like that. And we'll kind of like share the experience of parenting and stuff, but not really kind of like having them as the focus of anything really.


Hannah Witton 

Since being pregnant, have you had any dreams about the baby already being here? Yes, I think so. Although, I've definitely had more birth dreams than actual like, okay, now I'm a parent, now I'm a mum dreams but yeah, definitely. Definitely lots of birth dreams. And the birth dreams are always really chill. I think. I've not had any more recently, but yeah, I don't know. It's always just like, the baby just slips out in the dreams and I'm like, I wish.


Hannah Witton 

How did you both keep your spirit up while trying to conceive? I think I talked about this in depth in the like video that I did about like one year of trying to conceive. I asked Dan again this morning and he was like, "You just get on with it, don't you?" But you know, he's like the most chill person alive. So maybe not the best person to go to for advice when you're worrying about something because, like, literally his advice is just like, "Why worry? Don't worry about it. It's fine." I mean, his his attitude to those kinds of things definitely helped me though. Like, there was definitely a drilling in of like, what is in my control and what is out of my control. And I'm only going to be like causing myself more pain and suffering by worrying about things that are out of my control. And whether we got pregnant or not - like, there was an element of that that was in our control. And we were doing everything that we could up to the point where it becomes out of our control. And then just being like, "Well, we'll see what happens. Who knows." But for me, one of the things that helped was just to like, enjoy life, really. Not feel like my life was on pause, like still make plans to do things because plans can always be changed. And so instead of kind of like thinking, well, I could be pregnant next month so I'm not going to plan that trip, or I'm not going to like organise to see friends, or I'm not going to do this thing, I just, I just got on with my life, and just enjoyed it. And enjoyed it for what it was in that moment. And like being grateful for not being pregnant, and not having kids, because there are things that you can do when you're not those things.


Hannah Witton 

How did you prep for birth? Did you do any courses? Read books? Do you have a birth plan and a postpartum plan? I mean how much can you plan? But no, we haven't read any books. We have been doing NCT, which is the thing here in the UK that's like a very stereotypical, like middle class, like birth and parenting course where you meet other expecting parents who are like live in your local area and around the same time as you. So that's been really great. I've really loved that as a kind of like group learning environment. And then also just like connecting with other people at the same life stage as us who live close by so can be that kind of like support network and stuff. But you know, like lots of like talking about it with Dan. But ultimately, kind of just like managing our expectations and stuff. In terms of a postpartum plan, I hadn't even like thought of that. Because that - so much of that depends on like, what kind of birth you have, which you don't know what kind of birth you're going to have. But we'll see. How much of this is like, eh, we'll see who knows what's gonna happen? I think so much of it is just about like managing expectations, and just really just going with the punches. But hey, maybe I'll completely disagree with myself in like three months time and just be like, I wish I had prepared more like mentally, physically, like all of these things. I don't know. I have been doing Kegel exercises, is that - that's kind of like planning for birth and postpartum and stuff. I've been doing my Kegels. Love it.


Hannah Witton 

What is your status and feelings on your nursery and readiness for baby? Well, we don't really have a nursery, like our spare room is still a spare room and can quite easily still function as such. It's also still Dan's home office. And it's also baby's room in a sense of like, where we're storing most of their clothes and things but they'll sleep in our room for at least the first six months. And then we'll see. There is room in the spare room/office/baby's room for a crib if we wanted to then move them out into that room. But we will cross that bridge when we get to it and see how we be feeling? So I'm feeling I'm feeling good about the status of our nursery - "nursery" in quotation marks because that's there's definitely not what it is. It's a very hybrid room. And readiness for baby? I think, like emotionally, we're ready. I mean, actually, can you ever be emotionally ready? But I do think that we're ready and like in, in a sense of like the things that we're not ready for, like at the time of recording this, the hospital bag is not packed, but that's fine. Do you know what I mean? Like there's so many things that where it's like, yes, it will benefit you from like being practically and logistically like more ready for these things like having bought certain things - like we currently like don't have a pushchair or, or a bed for them. But we have plans for when we'll be getting them. And you know, living in the 21st century as well things can get delivered to your real quick and when you need them. So, yeah. In terms of all of that stuff, I'm just like, can you ever be ready? And also, what is being ready? I don't know.


Hannah Witton 

Which of your favourites places/people/books/movies, etc are you the most excited to share with baby? I love this question. So I think in terms of places - and I think Dan would agree with me on this one - our top favourite place that we're excited to show a baby is our local pub. Our local pub is very baby and child friendly. You go there on a weekend and it's just like buggies, toddlers, kids in high chairs like all over the place. So we're very excited to take them there knowing that it's a very like baby friendly space. And we also just love the pub. People: obviously like all of our friends and family. And I guess like especially like Mel's kid, as well, like, that'll be cool when they get to meet. Like they'll be like, a year and a half apart and stuff but it'll be really interesting to see at least how like Mel's toddler interacts with our baby. I don't know, I think that'll be really cute. Movies: Dan and I talk about being very excited to show our children, the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And then Dan is also very excited to show them the Star Wars movies, but in release order, because he is very keen to watch them react to the I am your father reveal. Spoilers for Star Wars, oh no. Yeah, he's very excited to kind of like watch our kid like experience that for the first time. I never got to experience that for the first time because before I'd ever seen Star Wars, I knew that plot twist. So we want to like get them young, so that they haven't been exposed to that like cultural information before they like see it for themselves in the movie. And then books - books is hard. Like in terms of kids books, I’m so excited to show them We're Going on a Bear Hunt. That was like one of my favourite books as a kid. I loved We're Going on a Bear Hunt. And then I have a lot of conflicting feelings around like Harry Potter, and the books and the movies. I own the books. So that's not like giving any more money to JK Rowling if I share them with my kids, and I started reading them when I was seven. The movies - I don't think I own the movies, but I'm sure we'd be able to find them like secondhand somewhere. But ugh. I don't know. complicated feelings around that. That we will - we will see when we get to that kind of age. I'm also very excited to show them like Disney films, Pixar films. I mean, I love that shit. We will see. Oh, The Very Hungry Caterpillar book. Absolutely love that. What a banger. What a banger.


Hannah Witton 

All right, thank you so much for all of your questions. I hope that you enjoyed this very chill episode. Again, if you want to keep in touch, and kind of like here but more behind the scenes and be in the know of what I'm up to on my time off other than obviously like raising a baby. But about like when the podcast is going to be coming back and everything then you can follow our Instagram, which is @doingitpodcast. You can also subscribe to my newsletter. And Patreon is a thing where you can support this podcast and all of the videos and stuff and the sex and relationship stuff that I do and also connect with a whole bunch of other members of our community who are amazing. So yeah, those are the kind of like places that you can go whilst I'm off to keep in touch and stay in the loop about everything that's going on. All of the links to those things will be in the description or the episode show notes.


Hannah Witton 

Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for all of your just love and support for this podcast over this last season. And also just like the last couple of years as well. And thank you for all of your support and well wishes throughout this pregnancy. It honestly means so much to me. And it's been really cool to also like hear from listeners and viewers and stuff who are also pregnant and kind of at a similar life stage to me as well. It's been really lovely having other people kind of like sharing similar stuff that they're going through. Thank you so much again, and oh my goodness, I'll either see you online or I'll see you in a few months when this podcast returns. Thank you so much for listening. Bye!