Sexy New Year's Resolutions! | Transcript

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Hannah Witton 

Welcome to Doing It with me, Hannah Witton, where we talk all things sex, relationships, dating, and our bodies.

Hannah Witton 

Happy New Year! Hello, hello. Oh my god, it is 2020. That sounds so weird. It's the 20s again, what? The 20s. Anyway, it's the new year. So obviously it's time to make some new year's resolutions. But because this is the Doing It podcast, we're gonna make some sexy New Year's resolutions, aw yeah.

Hannah Witton 

Some of these I personally am going to do, others are recommendations for you. And we would love to hear from you, dear listener, what your sexy New Year's resolutions are. Let us know on social media.

Hannah Witton 

Here we go, sexy new year resolutions.

Hannah Witton 

Number one. Not to judge other people's kinks, but still talk about them more. Obviously you're not going to judge anyone for their sexual behaviour, or choices, or the things that they're into. But in terms of the resolution for talking about the more, we may have some episodes around like kink and BDSM and some conversations around that coming in season two. So I am sticking to this resolution of talking about kink, even though I am a little vanilla butterfly.

Hannah Witton 

Number two. Invest in your pleasure, aka my pleasure. Well, you don't have to invest in my pleasure, I'm investing in my pleasure. And that can really mean anything. It's been a while since I've got myself a new sex toy. But then also I have a lot of sex toys that I've forgotten about. And so I think 2020 is the year for me where I rekindle my my love for them and kind of like experiment a bit with them. But investing in your pleasure, that can look however you want it to look, whether that is spending money on a new toy, or some sexy lingerie, or investing your time, you know, that's also important.

Hannah Witton 

Number three. Change your bedroom in some way. Get some new bedsheets, some new covers, and you know, see if that changes anything, like Feng Shui, or Feng Shui, your sex life, your bedroom and you know, get a new piece of furniture, maybe some sex furniture specifically, who knows.

Hannah Witton 

Speaking of bedroom number four, keep your phone out of your bedroom. What if you made your bedroom a technology free space. Take the technology out of the bedroom and see if that does anything for your sex life.

Hannah Witton 

Number five, do a big clear out of all your sex toys, your lube, and your lingerie. Marie Kondo your sex toys. I did this at the beginning of last year, I believe it was, and I did a whole video of it, of me Marie Kondo-ing showing my sex toys, it was great. Oh my God, so useful. If you're someone like me, and you collect a lot of toys, then this was really good to do, and to just remember, like what I actually own, and also good to do with lube, because that stuff can expire. So you just want to make sure that you got your fresh fresh lube, and you're not just stockpiling lube, and then not getting through it.

Hannah Witton 

Number six, do a sex diary. I love the idea of these, but I've never been able to keep one. There is this coffee table size book that I got from the Wellcome collection when they did this exhibition, called the Institute of Sexology, and one of the things that they had in the exhibition is this woman from like the 1960s and her chart of her sexual experiences, I think, like post her divorce or something. Their occupation, like how often they had sex, what was involved in the sex, like what sex acts that they do, whether she had an orgasm, whether they had an orgasm, but then there's like all of these really interesting notes in it, where she gives like her impressions of it. For some of the people that she had sex with, she was like, repressed homosexual, and you're like, what! Or like submissive, or relaxing. It might be a really good way to start to figure out what you like, what you don't like, you make notes of really how you're feeling, and also your surroundings because you might start to notice of like, oh, I struggle to get in the mood if there is mess everywhere. Like that might be a thing that you notice if you do keep a sex diary. I don't know if it will be for me. I just, I'm like I already have a diary that I do every day like, another one? Wait, I'm not having sex every day, lol!  Some people are!

Hannah Witton 

Number seven, when masturbating focus more on internal stimulation rather than just external. So I'm a clit gal, just putting out there. That is like my go to way of masturbating however OMG Yes just released season two, and that is all about internal stimulation. And I'm like, oh yes, okay, I'm gonna learn about this stuff. So yeah, I'm gonna watch Season Two of that and you know, do some experimenting, learn a little bit more about internal stimulation, and and see what happens, you know, no pressure. Going in to this with no expectations.

Hannah Witton 

Number eight actually remember to do my kegels. This one is so important to me, it's actually made it onto my like general, non sex related, New Year's resolutions list, which I made a whole video about. But yeah, kegels made it onto that list, that's how important it is. However, I always forget until I talk about kegel, like right now for instance, talking about kegels, and so I've just started doing them. But when I'm not talking about them or thinking about them, you just don't do them and I need to find a way to remind myself to do them.

Hannah Witton 

Number nine, be more ethical. So this can be referring to paying for the porn that you watch. That is a surefire way of making sure that there is less exploitation, people are getting paid right, and also think about where you're buying things from in terms of products, materials, and who you're supporting.

Hannah Witton 

Number 10, this one is specifically for me. Read the unread sex books that are on my shelf, and of course just keep adding to that to be read pile. As a sex educator, I acquire a lot of nonfiction sex books, and it takes a while to get through them all. So I've got a lot of those sitting on my shelf. Although they're not necessarily always books that you do read cover to cover. Sometimes it is just there as like a piece of reference material. But I definitely have more that are unread than read on my shelf. And I would like to change that.

Hannah Witton 

So those are 10 sexy new year resolutions, like I said, please let us know, you can tweet us @DoingItPodcast, or tag us in Instagram stories @DoingItPodcast as well, and let us know your sexy new year resolutions. Can't wait to hear from you. And this is the last minisode, oh my goodness. Next week we will be announcing season two, so look forward to that. Thanks for sticking around during this season break. I hope that you've enjoyed these minisodes. Also let us know which minisode has been your favourite. I know which one mine was.

Hannah Witton 

Happy New Year again. Thanks so much for listening.

MinisodesHannah Witton